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Cute baby contest
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Cute baby Contest entry tips
Mood:  bright

I never understood why parents want to do this cute baby contest stuff to their children. Let your child grow up and decide what she wants to be. Let her be a kid now while it lasts. Before you know it, she'll be grown.
No it doesn't "boost" their confidence. It teaches a lot of kids that you have to parade around in skimpy clothes to be considered "beautiful" and win some kind of contest.
Teach your daughter she can be anything she wants. Not what you think is for her. Everyone thinks their baby is the most beautiful baby there is. Doesn't make it alright for you to paint their faces, put them in skimpy clothes and try and have them win some beauty contest by looking like child p*** stars.
If she wants to grow up and do that, then that's her decision. Right now, she is just a baby. And you're only doing this for you, not her.

Cute baby contest

By Doreen Jackson

I have 12 little girls who compete in these pageants (my girls and my grand children xD)
Most parents are begging for the glitz and pageants usually mess up on the outfits. Judges are looking for really sparkly beautiful cupcake dresses for 10 and under and
you can call your local dentist for a flipper or where u may get one.
All my daughters and g-babies dresses are made so no one has something like it and they range from 800-36000 dollars very pricey
Make up tips: stay in your daughters face color range, not to many bright colors, lots of eye shadow, lip gloss, foundation, fake eyelashes and make sure she isn’t shiny!

Also sometime they have vendor a those kind of pageants try eBay or ask when to one of those pageants just go to watch during the pageant. Ask some of the parents or the Judges when it’s over where to buy those things?

We get our wigs from the beauty store and eBay make up lots.

Cute baby contest

Jill Kelly


Posted by cutebabycontest at 4:51 AM EDT
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